Balloon games

99 Luftballons! Spiel und Spaß im Skulpturenpark! Forme aus Luftballons die lustigsten Gebilde! Hüte, Tiere und vielens mehr. Bei Schönwetter kannst du den Ballonwalzer tanzen, das Ballontauchen wagen, Wasserballons platzen lassen und den Ballonkönig kennenlernen. Bring bitte Reservegewand und ein Handtuch mit. Bei Schlechtwetter finden die Spiele im Kunstmuseum statt. Read more…

Children’s ceramic course “Funny magnets”

Magnete können verschiedene lustige Formen haben wie: dein Haustier, Obst oder Gemüse, Menschen aus deiner Familie, Freunde, Blätter oder können auch flach sein und bemalt mit einem selbsterfundenen Comic.... In diesem Kurs kannst du dich künstlerisch austoben. Nach circa zwei Wochen ist die Keramik gebrannt, mit einem Magnet versehen und Read more…

Children’s ceramics course “Favorite Food”

Bei diesem Kurs kannst du knusprige Kartoffel, knackige Salate, süße Früchte oder sogar tomatige Pizzastücke aus Ton formen. Ganz nach deinem Geschmack! Der Keramikkurs richtet sich gleichermaßen an Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Nach circa zwei Wochen wirst du von uns angerufen, denn dann ist die Keramik gebrannt und abholbereit. Kurs für Read more…

Show garden days Lower Austria

Besuchen Sie den Skulpturenpark des Kunstmuseums! Besucher erwartet, auf zwei Etagen mehrere Kunstausstelllungen im Museumsinneren und der weitläufige Skulpturenpark mit seiner einzigartigen Gartenarchitektur im Freien. Die Parklandschaft mit großen Skulpturen, geheimnisvollen, steinernen Plätzen, dem beeindruckenden Freiluft-Raumtheater, der Marien-Kapelle und den Himmelssäulen lädt besonders bei Schönwetter zum Spazieren, Verweilen und Entspannen Read more…

Ceramic course for adults and teenagers “Lanterns”

  Lassen sie sich von der herbstlichen Natur inspirieren und gestalten sie dekorative Windlichter als Schmuck für die eigenen vier Wände oder auch schon als das eine oder andere Geschenk für liebe Freunde. Im diesem Keramikworkshop für Erwachsene und Jugendliche wird im Atelier des kunstmuseums ein Objekt aus Ton gestaltet, Read more…

Opening event 2022 “Warlamis Highlights”

Sa, April 2, 2022 6 p.m. Opening event Anniversary exhibition "Warlamis Highlights" To celebrate the 80th birthday of the founder of the museum, the art museums dedicates the artists Heide and Makis Warlamis with an impressive exhibition of their lifwork. (Exhibition period: March 26, 2022 - January 15, 2023) Introduction Read more…

Children’s Ceramics Course “Easter Bunnies”

Sat, April 9, 2022 2 – 4 p.m You still have time during your Easter holidays and would like to spend a creative afternoon in the art museum? In this workshop we form Easter bunnies. Whether small or large, colorful or natural, every beginner and advanced can take part. Nach Read more…

This course is canceled Children’s creative course

This course is canceled Alle Kurse werden unter Einhaltung der aktuell gültigen Covid19-Präventionsrichtlinien abgehalten. Bitte informieren Sie sich rechtzeitig bei uns über die jeweiligen Maßnahmen. Anmeldung Telefonisch unter 02853/72888 oder per Anmeldeformular oder Online buchen Einzel- oder Geschwisterticket

Children’s felt course “Easter”

Sat, April 16, 2022 2 – 4 p.m In this course, children from the age of 5 can felt colorful Easter eggs out of sheep's wool. An attractive decoration for every Easter bouquet. The felted unique pieces can also be taken away immediately! € 17 per child, incl. Care and Read more…

Show Garden Days Lower Austria

Fri, 14. und Sa, 15. May 2022 15. 5. 2022 10 a.m. – 5 p.m Schaugartentagen Niederösterreichs Unsere Besucher erwartet im Museumsinneren auf 2 Etagen die beeindruckenden Jahresausstellung "Warlamis-Highlights“ und im Freien der weitläufige Skulpturenpark mit seiner einzigartigen Gartenarchitektur. Die Parklandschaft mit großen Skulpturen, geheimnisvollen, steinernen Plätzen, dem beeindruckenden Freiluft-Raumtheater, Read more…

Children’s ceramic courses “Snails”

Sa, 14. 5. 2022 14 – 16 Uhr No matter how the snail shell winds, the snail always finds its way out! But of course you can also form snails without a shell, which then scare people in the hedges. Every beginner and advanced is welcome to participate. After 2 Read more…

Children’s ceramic course “ships”

Sa, 21. 5. 2022 14 – 16 Uhr Ahoy! Children from the age of 5 years can create their own wonderful ceramic ship. Sailing boat, rowing boat, submarine you can create whatever you like. After 2 week you get a phone call and then you can pick up your artwork. Read more…

Children’s felt course “Hair jewelry”

Fr, 27. 5. 2022 14 – 16 Uhr In this course you can learn how to frisk with colourfull sheep whool and soap. We create our own cords and flowers with sheep whool and handcraft beautiful hair jewelry. You can take your artwork with you directely after the course. Suitable Read more…

Ceramic course for adults and teenagers

Sat, May 28, 2022 2 – 5 p.m Plant objects for house and garden Original planters in the right design for your own garden or house, can be sculpted and painted with ceramic glazes in this ceramics workshop for adults and teenagers in the art museum's studio. The workshop is Read more…

Children’s Felt Course “Little Monsters”

Sat, June 4, 2022 2 – 4 p.m Today we fearlessly felt little monsters!   In this course you can felt little monsters with soap and sheep's wool. Whether it's a pin, a flower pin or hopping your children's room decorate, you can decide in the course of the workshop. Read more…

Children’s ceramics course “Dinos”

Sat, June 11, 2022 2 – 4 p.m No matter how the snail shell winds, the snail always finds its way out! But of course you can also form snails without a shell, which then scare people in the hedges. Every beginner and advanced is welcome to participate. Nach circa Read more…

Show Garden Days Lower Austria

Fri, 18th and Sat, 19. 6. 2022 10 a.m. – 5 p.m Visit the Waldviertel art museum and the sculpture park as part of the show garden days in Lower Austria ! Our visitors can look forward to the impressive annual exhibition "Warlamis Highlights" on 2 floors inside the museum Read more…

Ceramic course for adults and teenagers

Sat, June 18, 2022 2 – 5 p.m Vessels and objects for hanging and standing As part of the Lower Austrian show garden days, we are devoting ourselves to ceramics for the home and garden in this course. In this ceramics workshop for adults and young people, an individual object Read more…

Children´s ceramic course “Birds”

Sa, 9. 7. 2022 2 – 4 p.m. Woodpecker, Parrot or duck? Big or small? Yellow, green or multicoloured? You sure have many ideas! Create your own fantastic bird! - After two weeks we will call you, because than your artwork is ready to get picked up.   Suitable for Read more…

Children´s ceramic course “My favourite food”

Sa, 16. 7. 2022 14 – 16 Uhr In this course you can create crispy potatos, tasty salads sweet fuits or delicious pizza. - - This cours is for beginners as well as for advanced.   After two weeks we will call you, because than your artwork is ready to Read more…

Vernissage – Christa Layr – Latest works

September 17, 2022 5 p.m vernissage Christa Layr - "Recent Works" We invite you to a cozy evening of art and conversation! Christa Layr masterfully manages to oscillate between empathetic abstraction and real images. Her works are usually like fragments, like fragments of memory. With ease she transforms all her Read more…

Childrens ceramic cours “Fishes”

Sa, 23. 4. 2022 14 – 16 Uhr Clownfish, perch, shark, baracuda, octopus which one is your favorite fish or sea creature? Or you can even create your own fantasy fish made from ceramics. - After 2 week you get a phone call and then you can pick up your Read more…

Easter market with Czech handicrafts

9. and April 10, 2022 10am - 5pm On the weekend of 9. and April 10, 2022 there is a lot to admire in the Waldviertel Art Museum! In addition to the new annual exhibition "Warlamis Highlights" , the Easter market in the museum courtyard also attracts visitors, where you Read more…

Children’s ceramics course “Dinos”

Das Kunstmuseum Waldviertel Mühlgasse 7a, Schrems, Österreich

Sa, 3. 9. 2022 14 – 16 Uhr - - - - Maybe you have got your favorite dinosaur? You can also invent your own prehistoric creature. We are already curious about your fantastic work!   After two weeks we will call you, because than your artwork is ready to Read more…

Season 2022

March 26, 2022 – January 15, 2023

Opening Hours

March – June, September

Tue – Sun, and on holidays: 10 am to 5 pm

July and August:

daily: 10 am to 6 pm

October – January:

Wed – Sun, and on holidays: 10 am to 5 pm

Closed on: December 24, 25 and 31 and on January 1.

For groups, kindergardens and school classes seperate hours can be arranged.